Sunday 8 April 2007


Ah nostalgia, Collins dictionary says it's a longing for the past, often idealized and unrealistic.

It all seemed very realistic to me when i was a kid, especially the Tv.

I dozed off on the couch the other night and found myself dreaming. Nothing strange about that, you might think, but i never dream...never.
But i've got to say, it wasn't an unpleasant experience...more like a flashback really, to my childhood and inparticular the tv shows that i used to watch back in the day. People 'in the know' would swear that there's 'somewhere' in your brain that locks information away, like a time capsule, until such a time you might need to call on it .
Recently i watched the Monkey King on Sky tv and memories of one of my favourite tv shows came flooding back, so much so that i've dedicated a page on my website soley to the show...'MONKEY - Great Sage equal of Heaven' - you can check it out here -
I worked on that page for three days solid with not a lot of sleep, the page as information came back to me, changing it again as small details were remembered. Now the page is finished, and turned into a whole site, and i remember finally looking at it and thinking 'Jeez, there's a lot of stuff floating around your head that you thought long forgotten'. But that's not the strangest thing......

Anyway, back to the dream. It's like the memories of Monkey flooding back opened a whole storage area in my brain, as things that i hadn't thought about for 20 or more years filled my sleeping head.

Problem is, when i woke up i couldn't remember any of them, even though i could see them as clear as day just a few moments earlier. So i had a quick scout around on the internet trying to find old tv listings from , ooh the mid/late seventies to the early/mid eighties, i guess. Nothing. Not a thing could i find.

Anyway. I racked my brains...then i racked my parents brains...then i racked the brains of anyone i could think of around my age (34) or may remember what was doing the rounds on Tv back then. Below is a list of what we could come up with, but none of them seem to be hitting the spot as far as my dream goes.
So, if anyone can remember any kids shows from the time span mentioned above, please post them here and put me out of my misery.

Here are a few to get you started.

The old curiosity shop.
The ghost of Motley Hall.
The magic roundabout.
Fangface (my fav'cartoon - about a werewolf - i'm not sure but i think his sidekick was called 'Puggs' or something like that-NO-ONE i speak to remembers it - i need confirmation it existed for my sanity !!
Stig of the dump.
Charlton and the wheelies. (cartoon with the witch that lived in a tea-pot, evil edna i think she was called)

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